2. Uniqlo Customer Service
  3. Delivery
  4. Shipping

Q. When can I expect to receive my order?

Expected delivery timeframes may vary due to the stock status of individual products within an order. Please be aware that your expected delivery date is specified at checkout, in order history, and order confirmation emails.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email from us with your order tracking details. Please note, that your order may be delivered on the last day of your expected delivery timeframe.

How to check your expected delivery date in your order history:

Log in to your UNIQLO account or Guest account to see your order history here


How to check your expected delivery date in your order confirmation email:

Once your order has been shipped, we will send you a shipping email.

Please note that delivery may be made on the last day listed on the Expected Delivery date.

*We are unable to provide specific delivery dates (arrival dates) or shipping dates even if you contact our customer center.
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